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Editor visual de HTML Kompozer

Creating static web pages (not requiring database), is currently very simple if used visual editors WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get), namely, what you see is what you get.

Among the most commonly used HTML visual editors are Microsoft's Front Page and Adobe Dreamweaver, de Adobe Systems Incorporated.

Kompozer is a free alternative to Adobe Dreamweaver editor. This course is dedicated to teaching the possibilities of this magnificent editor easy to use for anyone with little or no knowledge of HTML language.

The use of this HTML editor is very similar to using a text editor program such as Microsoft Word.

Among the main features we can mention of this Web editor are:

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  • WYSIWYG editing, making it easy to create web pages, as well as create a page in your favorite word processor.
  • FTP file management via integrated.
  • Creating HTML code reliable compatible with most existing browsers.
  • Ability to have sista edit and preview the site in the same panel choosing the appropriate label.
  • Powerful support forms, tables and platillas.
  • Available in versions for Linux, Microsoft Windows and Apple Macintosh.
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Course Characteristics

  1. Start Date: the course will start in March.
  2. Class format: Classes consist of only animated videos. The videos are made so that the student can go to practice as you will see. Students can ask questions at any time they wish, A trainer will answer them the same day.
  3. Written support: Students will receive a PDF file animated tutorial material, to have a guide to study even though not near the computer.
  4. Background information: any prior knowledge about web design is needed. The only important thing is to surf the Internet.
  5. Do I need to install any software to attend the course?: The entire course will be done through your browser (Google's Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft's IE, Safari from Apple), therefore unable to attend the course from any computer connected to Internet.
  6. Does the course live classes?: No, this course is entirely online based on animated tutorials for each class. The lessons are there to see that time and how often you want it. If you have any questions, can make it through the forum.
  7. Bottom line: Each student will end up with a complete and professional website for your company. You will also have the expertise to continue maintaining your site. Optionally you can keep the site to promote your company.

[button link=http://aprendetec.com/2012/02/28/inscripcion-al-curso-de-kompozer/color=”#854343″ size=”5″ style=”2″ dark=”0″ radius=autotarget=self”]REGISTER[/button] [/column]